SU jianmin

SU Jianmin苏建民教授.JPG

Ph.D., Professor

Born in Nov.1982, An’yang City, Henan, China


Address: College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

No. 22 Xinong Road, Yangling, 712100, Shaanxi, China.


Mobile: +86 18091182122

Telephone: +86-(0)29-8709080092

1. Education and Work Experience

01.2021 – now, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

01.2014 – 12.2020, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

12.2012 – 09.2014, Postdoctoral training, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

09.2009 – 12.2012, Ph.D., Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

09.2006 – 07.2009, Master, Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A&F University

09.2001–07.2006, Bachelor, Animal science, College of Animal Science, Henan Institute of Science and Technology

2. Research and Teaching

Research interests:

Development and reprogramming of early bovine and sheep embryos.

Analysis of aberrant epigenetic reprogramming in cloned embryos and how to improve the efficiency of animal cloning.


Animal Physiology for bachelor students.

Developmental Biology for master students.

Cloning and transgenic technology for doctoral students.

3. Memberships and Academic Services

Member of the Chinese Association of Veterinary

4. Honors and Awards

1st Prize, Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Shaanxi Province, 2015 (7/12)

1st Prize, Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Shaanxi Province, 2013 (6/12)

5. Publications

Selected papers: 1. Jianmin Su#, Xiaosu Miao#, Danielle Archambault, Jesse Mager*, and Wei Cui*. ZC3H4—a novel Cys-Cys-Cys-His-type zinc finger protein—is essential for early embryogenesis in mice.  Biology of Reproduction , 2021, 104(2), 325–335

2. Yingbing Zhang, Ying Yang, Peipei Qiao, Xiyue Wang, Ruiluan Yu, Hongzheng Sun, Xupeng Xing, Yong Zhang *, Jianmin Su *. CHAF1b, chromatin assembly factor-1 subunit b, is essential for mouse preimplantation embryos. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2022,195:547–557

3. Jianmin Su, Yongsheng Wang, Xupeng Xing, Lei Zhang, Hongzheng Sun, and Yong Zhang *. Melatonin significantly improves the developmental competence of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos.  Journal of Pineal Research , 59(4):455-68,2015

4. Ying Yang, Yingbing Zhang, Peipei Qiao, Bin Yang, Huiqun Jia, Yong Zhang, Jun Zhang*, Jianmin Su*. SUMO2, a small ubiquitin-like modifier, is essential for development of murine preimplantation embryos.  Theriogenology . 2021, 166 29-37

5. Peipei Qiao, Yingbing Zhang, Ying Yang, Ru Meng, Zhiming Xu, Xianlei Jiang, Yong Zhang, Chengtu Zhang*, Jianmin Su*. Oral isoniazid causes oxidative stress, oocyte deterioration and infertility in mice.  Toxicology , 2021, 455: 152749

6. Zhenzhen Lu, Chengtu Zhang, Chengquan Han, Quanli An, Yuyao Cheng, Yongzhong Chen, Ru Meng, Yong Zhang*, Jianmin Su*. Plasticizer Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Causes Meiosis Defects and Decreases Fertilization Ability of Mouse Oocytesin Vivo.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 67(12): 3459-3468, 2019

7. Quanli An, Wei Peng, Yuyao Cheng, Zhenzhen Lu, Chuan Zhou, Yong Zhang*, Jianmin Su*. Melatonin supplementation during in vitro maturation of oocyte enhances subsequent development of bovine cloned embryos.  Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2019. 234:17370–17381

8. Huiqun Jia, Chenqi Jia, Quanli An, Yuyao Cheng, Xianlei Jiang, Yue Xue, Ruolin Zhao, Wei Peng, Yong Zhang*, and Jianmin Su* Ochratoxin A exposure causes meiotic failure and oocyte deterioration in mice.  Theriogenology , 148:236-248, 2020

6. Projects and Funding

[1] General Project, No. 32172812, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 580,000 RMB Yuan, 2022 - 2025, grant holder.

[2] General Project, No. 31873001, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 590,000 RMB Yuan, 2019 - 2022, grant holder.

[3] General Project, No. 31302046, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 250,000 RMB Yuan, 2014 - 2016, grant holder.