
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2024-06-04 浏览次数:




国家绒毛用羊细菌病防控团队成员、陕西省科技特派员,陕西省“三区”人才、教育部学位论文通讯评议专家,中国微生物学会兽医微生物学专业委员会青年委员、陕西省畜牧兽医学会会员。《动物医学进展》杂志编委。VaccineVeterinary MicrobiologyJournal of Virological MethodsActa VirologicaVirology JournalJournal of General VirologyVirus ResearchJournal of VirologySCI杂志的特邀审稿人,《畜牧兽医学报》、《中国农业科学》、《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》、《中国兽医科学》、《西北农业学报》杂志审稿专家


1997.7毕业于西北农林科技大学动物医学院兽医专业,获学士学位;2000.7毕业于西北农林科技大学预防兽医学专业,获硕士学位;2005.7毕业于西北农林科技大学临床兽医学专业,获博士学位。2006.4-2007.4月在台湾屏东科技大学兽医学院做博士后,主要进行动物基因工程疫苗的研究; 2013.4-2014.4月通过国家留学基金委资助在美国佐治亚大学兽医学院做访问学者,主要从事动物病毒与宿主相互作用的研究。















1.PEDV下调HNRNPA3影响细胞脂质代谢促进病毒复制复合体形成的机制研究,国家自然基金项目(32373003),2024 -2027,主持人。



4.奶绵羊围产期疾病防控技术集成研究,2021年甘肃金昌市科技揭榜挂帅制项目(202100-001),2021 -2023,主持人。

5.检测奶山羊多种常见病原的多重实时荧光定量TaqMan PCR检测方法的建立及应用,陕西省重点研发计划项目(2021NY-024),2021-2022,主持人。

6.规模化奶山羊养殖场疫病快速检测技术的集成与示范推广,2020年度西北农林科技大学试验示范站(基地)科技创新与成果转化项目(TGZX2020-12 2020-2021,主持人。






1.Naling Yang , Qi Zhang, Quanqiong Wang, Yanxia Zhang, Shifan Li, Yina Zhao, Xiaojie Shi, Qinfan Li , Xingang Xu(通讯作者). Nsp10-interacting host protein SAP18 restricts PEDV replication in Marc-145 cells via enhancing dephosphorylation of RIG-I. Veterinary Microbiology, 2024, 294,110124.

2.Siyuan Li, Jin Huang, Xuhang Cai, Li Mao, Lingling Xie , Fu Wang , Hua Zhou, Xuesong Yuan, Xinru Sun , Xincheng Fu , Baochao Fan, Xingang Xu(通讯作者), Jizong Li, Bin L. Prevalence and Evolutionary Characteristics of Bovine Coronavirus in China. Vet. Sci. 2024, 11, 230.

3.Xiaojie Shi, Qi Zhang, Naling Yang, Quanqiong Wang, Yanxia Zhang, Xingang Xu(通讯作者). PEDV inhibits HNRNPA3 expression by miR-218-5p to enhance cellular lipid accumulation and promote viral replication, mBio, 2024, 15(2):e0319723.

4.Linjie Li , Bingqing Li , Jin Wang , Lei Liu , Yi Li b , Shiqi Sun , Shuanghui Yin , Liping Zhang, Xinsheng Liu , Xingang Xu(通讯作者), HuichenGuo.  A novel recombination porcine epidemic diarrhea virus isolated from Gansu, China: Genetic characterization and pathogenicity. Veterinary Microbiology, 2024,290:109975.

5.Yang Liu, Qi Zhang, Min Zou, Jin Cui, Xiaojie Shi, Linjie Li, Faxing Wu, Xingang Xu.(通讯作者)Cell entry of Bovine herpesvirus-1 through clathrin- and caveolin-mediated endocytosis requires activation of PI3K-Akt-NF-κB and Ras-p38 MAPK pathways as well as the interaction of BoHV-1 gD with cellular receptor nectin-1. Veterinary Microbiology, 2023, 279, 109672.

6.Xingang Xu(第一作者), Yi Liu, Jie Gao, Xiaojie Shi, Yuchao Yan, Naling Yang, Quanqiong Wang, Qi Zhang.  GRAMD4 regulates PEDV-induced cell apoptosis inhibiting virus replication via the endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway, Veterinary Microbiology, 2023, 279,109666 .

7.Hongchao Zhou, Yuchao Yan, Jie Gao, Mingrui Ma, Yi Liu, Xiaojie Shi,  Qi Zhang, Xingang Xu(通讯作者). Heterogeneous Nuclear Protein U Degraded the m6A Methylated TRAF3 Transcript by YTHDF2 To Promote Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Replication. Journal of Virology, 2023, 97(2):e0175122.

8.Xingang Xu(第一作者), Mingrui Ma , Xiaojie Shi, Yuchao Yan, Yi Liu, Naling Yang, Quanqiong Wang, Shuxia Zhang, Qi Zhang. The novel Nsp9-interacting host factor H2BE promotes PEDV replication by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis. Veterinary Research , 2023, 54(1):27. 

9.Xiaojie Shi , Qi Zhang , Jingjing Wang, Yuting Zhang, Yuchao Yan, Yi Liu, Naling Yang, Quanqiong Wang and Xingang Xu(通讯作者).Diferential expression analysis of mRNAs, lncRNAs, and miRNAs expression profles and construction of ceRNA networks in PEDV infection.  BMC Genomics, 2022, 231:586.

10.Zhang Q, Yang F, Gao J, Zhang W, Xu X(通讯作者). Development of multiplex TaqMan qPCR for simultaneous detection and differentiation of eight common swine viral and bacterial pathogens. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2022,53(1):359368.

11.Xingang Xu(第一作者), Lixiang Wang, Yi Liu, Xiaojie Shi, Yuchao Yan, Shuxia Zhang, Qi Zhang. TRIM56 overexpression restricts porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus replication in Marc-145 cells by enhancing TLR3-TRAF3-mediated IFN-β antiviral response. Journal of General Virology, 2022;103(5):001748.

12.Hongchao Zhou, Yuting Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Yuchao Yan, Yi Liu, Xiaojie Shi, Qi Zhang, Xingang Xu(通讯作者).The CREB and AP-1-Dependent Cell Communication Network Factor 1 Regulates Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus-Induced Cell Apoptosis Inhibiting Virus Replication Through the p53 Pathway. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022 ,13:831852.

13.Xingang Xu(第一作者), Jingjing Wang, Yuting Zhang, Yuchao Yan, Yi Liu, Xiaojie Shi, Qi Zhang. Inhibition of DDX6 enhances autophagy and alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress in Vero cells under PEDV infection, Veterinary Microbiology, 2022,266:109350.

14.Mingzhe Fu, Yuchao Yan, Hong Su, Jingjing Wang, Xiaojie Shi, Hongchao Zhou, Qi Zhang , Xingang Xu(通讯作者). Spleen proteome profiling of dairy goats infected with C. pseudotuberculosis by TMT-based quantitative proteomics approach. Journal of Proteomics, 2021, 248:104352.

15.Pei Sun , Jian Jin, Lixiang Wang , Jingjing Wang , Hongchao Zhou , Qi Zhang , Xingang Xu (通讯作者) .Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infections induce autophagy in Vero cells via ROS-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress through PERK and IRE1 pathways. Veterinary Microbiology, 2021 ,253:108959

16.Mingzhe Fu, Hong Su, Zhanqiang Su , Zheng Yin, Jian Jin , Lixiang Wang , Qi Zhang , Xingang Xu (通讯作者).Transcriptome analysis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis-infected spleen of dairy goats. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2020 (147) 104370.

17.XingangXu(第一作者), YingXu, Qi Zhang, FengYang, ZhengYin, Lixiang Wang, QinfanLi. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infections induce apoptosis in Vero cells via a reactive oxygen species (ROS)/p53, but not p38 MAPK and SAPK/JNK signalling pathways. Veterinary Microbiology, 2019,232:1-12.

18.Xingang Xu(第一作者), Feng Yang, Qi Zhang, Ying Xu, Jiali Huang, Mingzhe Fu, Weimin Zhang.Development of a multiplex TaqMan qPCR assay for simultaneous detection and differentiation of four DNA and RNA viruses from clinical samples of sheep and goats. Journal of Viroloical Methods, 2019,266 : 58-64.

19.Pei Sun, Qarih Fahd, Yezhen Li, Yao Sun, Jie Li, Majjid A. Qaria, Zhan Song He, Yuzhen Fan, Qiang Zhang, Qianming Xu, Zongjun Yin, Xingang Xu(通讯作者), Yu Li. Transcriptomic analysis of small intestinal mucosa from porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infected piglets ,Microbial Pathogenesis, 2019,132:73-79 .

20.Hongqing Zheng , Lei Xu ,  Yuzhong Liu, Cheng Li , Liang Zhang, Tao Wang , Di Zhao , Xingang Xu(通讯作者), Yanming Zhang. MicroRNA-221-5p Inhibits Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Replication by Targeting Genomic Viral RNA and Activating the NF-κB Pathway. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES( Int. J. Mol. Sci. ), 2018, 19, 3381.

21.Pei Sun, Haoyang Wu, Jiali Huang, Ying Xu, Feng Yang, Qi Zhang, Xingang Xu(通讯作者). Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus through p53-dependent pathway causes cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase,Virus Research, 2018 (253) 1-11.

22.Qi Zhang, Ying Xu, Rong Chang, Dewen TongXingang Xu(通讯作者). Transmissible gastroenteritis virus N protein causes endoplasmic reticulum stress, up-regulates interleukin-8 expression and its subcellular localization in the porcine intestinal epithelial cell. Research in Veterinary Science,2018, 2018 (119) 109-115.

23.Q. ZHANG, J. L. HUANG, Y. B. LIANG,Y. P. HE, D. W TONG, X. G. XU(通讯作者). Transmissible gastroenteritis virus nsp7 protein localized in down-regulates interleukin 8 expression in porcine intestinal the cytoplasm epithelial cell. Acta virologica .2018 ,62: 41-49.

24.Ya-Peng HeQi ZhangMing-Zhe FuXin-Gang Xu(通讯作者).Development of multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection and differentiation of six DNA and RNA viruses from clinical samples of sheep and goats. Journal of Virological Methods, 2017,243:44-49.

25.Yapeng He, Qi Zhang, Jing Wang, Man Zhou, Mingzhe Fu, Xingang Xu(通讯作者). Full-length genome sequence analysis of enzootic nasal tumor virus isolated from goats in China.Virology Journal, 2017,14:141.

26.Xuefeng QiCaihong LiuRuiqiao Li, Huizhu Zhang, Xingang Xu*(通讯作者)Jingyu Wang. Modulation of the innate immune-related genes expression in H9N2 avian influenza virus-infected chicken macrophage-like cells (HD11)in response to Escherichia coli LPS stimulation, Research in Veterinary Science, 2017 (111) 36-42.

27.Yu-Xin Gong, Bin Zhu, Guang-Lu Liu, Lei Liu, Fei Ling, Gao-Xue Wang, Xin-Gang Xu*(通讯作者). Single-walled carbon nanotubes as delivery vehicles enhance the immunoprotective effects of a recombinant vaccine against Aeromonas hydrophila. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 421: 213-220.

28.Wang J, Tang C, Wang Q, Li R, Chen Z, Han X, Wang J, Xu X*(通讯作者). Apoptosis induction and release of inflammatory cytokines in the oviduct of egg-laying hens experimentally infected with H9N2 avian influenza virus. Vet Microbiol. 2015 ,12;177(3-4):302-314.

29.Xu X(第一作者), Zhang H, Zhang Q, Rong C, Huang Y, Tong D. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus M protein blocks cell cycle progression at S-phase and subcellular localization in the porcine intestinal epithelial cell. Acta virologica, 2015,593:265-275.

30.Xu X(第一作者), Zhang H, Zhang Q, Huang Y, Dong J, Liang Y, Liu HJ, Tong D. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus N protein prolongs S-phase cell cycle, induces endoplasmic reticulum stress, and up-regulates interleukin-8 expression. Vet Microbiol. 2013,164(3-4):212-21.

31.Xu X(第一作者), Zhang H, Zhang Q, Dong J, Liang Y, Huang Y, Liu HJ, Tong D. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus E protein causes endoplasmic reticulum stress and up-regulates interleukin-8 expression. Virol J. 2013,19;10:26.

32.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Li Ding, Wei Li, Hung-Yi Wu, Ching-Dong Chang, Long-Huw Lee, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu . Baculovirus as a PRRSV and PCV2 bivalent vaccine vector: Baculovirus virions displaying simultaneously GP5 glycoprotein of PRRSV and capsid protein of PCV2 , Journal of Virological Methods, 2012,179(2), 359-366

33.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Hong-Ni Zhao, Qi Zhang, Li Ding, Zhao-Cai Li, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong*, Hung-Jen Liu*. Oral vaccination with attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing Cap protein of PCV2 and its immunogenicity in mouse and swine models. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012, 157(3-4):294-303.

34.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Guang-Da Chen , Yong Huang, Li Ding , Zhao-Cai Li, Ching-Dong Chang, De-Wen Tong* , Hung-Jen Liu*. Development of multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of six swine DNA and RNA viruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 2012,183(1):69-74.

35.Xu X(第一作者)Zhang K, Huang YDing LChen GZhang HTong D. Bovine herpes virus type 1 induces apoptosis through Fas-dependent and mitochondria-controlled manner in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells.  Virology Journal. 2012 ,17;9:202.

36.Zhao-Cai Li, Xin-Gang Xu (并列第一), Yong Huang , Li Ding, Zhi-Sheng Wang ,Gao-Shui Yu, Dan Xu, Wei Li, Dewen Tong*. Swainsonine activates mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway in human lung cancer A549 cells and retards the growth of lung cancer xenografts. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2012; 8(3):394-405.

37.Li Ding, Xin-Gang Xu (并列第一), Yong Huang , Zhao-Cai Li, Zhi-Sheng Wang ,Gao-Shui Yu, Dan Xu, Wei Li, Dewen Tong*. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus induces apoptosis through FasL and mitochondrion-mediated pathway dependent of viral replication. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012, 158(1-2):12-22.

38.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Hong-Ni Zhao, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong, Hung-Jen Liu. Baculovirus surface display of E envelope glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis virus and its immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in mouse and swine models, Vaccine, 2011, 29(4):636-643.

39.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang , Zhao-Cai Li, Kuan Zhang, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong , Hung-Jen Liu. Baculovirus virions displaying infectious bursal disease virus VP2 protein protect chickens against infectious bursal disease virus infection. Avian Diseases, 201155:223–229

40.Zhi-sheng Wang, Xin-gang Xu(并列第一), Hung-jen Liu, Zhao-cai Li1, Li Ding, Gao-shui Yu1, Dan Xu and Dewen Tong. Immunogenicity of envelope GP5 protein displayed on baculovirus and protective efficacy against virulent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus challenge in piglets,  African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2011, 5(18): 2682-2691.

41.ZS WANG, XG XU(并列第一), H.J LIU, ZC LI, L. DING, G.S YU, DW TONG1. Immunogenicity of envelope GP3 protein of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus displayed on baculovirus Acta virologica . 201155:139 -146.

42.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), De-Wen Tong, Ming-Tang Chiou, Yao-Ching Hsieh, Wen-Ling Shih, Ching-Dong Chang, Ming-Huei Liao, Yan-Ming Zhang, Hung-Jen Liu. Baculovirus surface display of NS3 nonstructural protein of classical swine fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods, 2009, (159)2: 259-264.

43.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Ming-Tang Chiou, Yan-Ming Zhang, De-Wen Tong, Jian-He Hu, Miao-Tao Zhang, Hung-Jen Liu. Baculovirus surface display of Erns envelope glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods, 2008, 153(2): 149-155.

44.Xin-Gang Xu(第一作者), Hung-Jen Liu. Baculovirus surface display of E2 envelope glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus and immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in a mouse model. Vaccine, 2008, 26(43): 5455-5460.


1.表达PRRSV免疫原基因的重组杆状病毒及其制备和应用,发明专利, 专利号:ZL201010140792.4;专利授权日期: 2012.5.30

2.表达PCV-2免疫原基因的重组杆状病毒及其制备和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201010140804.3;专利授权日期: 2012.7.18

3.一种用于同时检测绵羊和山羊六种病毒的多重PCR试剂盒,发明专利,专利号: 201510810268.6 ;专利授权日期: 2019.4.28

4.一种快速检测奶牛子宫内膜炎中病原菌的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201910186379.2;专利授权日期: 2022.5.


1.《兽医微生物实验实习指导》,西北农林科技大学出版社, 2020.12,主编,ISSN978-7-5683-0887-8



4.《兽医微生物学》第二版,高等教育出版社,2023.7,参编, ISBN 978-7-04-060807-6

5.《奶绵羊应用生产学》,中国农业出版社,2022.11, 参编,ISBN 978-7-109-30134-4

6.奶山羊饲养管理关键技术,西北农林科技大学出版社,2023,7,参编,ISBN 978-7-5683-1279-0
















