
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2022-05-27 浏览次数:


彭莎,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。中国畜牧兽医学会兽医产科学分会理事,中国动物学会生殖生物学分会会员,陕西省干细胞学会会员,陕西省“三区”科技人才和科技特派员,国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部通讯评议专家、教育部学位论文通讯评议专家,《Zoological Research》杂志编委,《Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy》、《Stem Cell Reports》、《Gene》、《Reproduction》、《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》、《动物医学进展》等科技期刊审稿人。















2021年  指导的研究生秦德哲和何文来的学位论文分别被评为2021年校级优秀学术型硕士学位论文和2021年校级优秀专业学位硕士论文;

2020和2021年  指导的本科生张浩和郭强的毕业论文被评为校级百篇优秀毕业论文;

2019年  获西北农林科技大学动物医学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;

2018年~2021年  连续四年获院级师德师风优秀;

2018年和2020年  两次获得学校学生思想政治教育先进个人;

2018年  获校级师德先进个人;



2016年和2018年  两次获陕西省科学技术二等奖(排序分别为4和8);

2011年  获西北农林科技大学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖和动物医学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;

2010年  被评为西北农林科技大学动物医学院先进个人;

2009~2011年  连续三年被评为西北农林科技大学动物医学院“优秀班主任”。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072815,褪黑素对热应激条件下山羊精子发生障碍的保护作用及机制研究,58万,2021/1-2024/12;

2. 百欧派(天津)生物技术有限公司横向项目子课题,K4040121282,宠物间充质干细胞临床应用技术开发,20万,2021/1-2022/10;

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,Z1090220113,褪黑素缓解热应激引发的精母细胞损伤的机制研究,3万,2020/06-2023/06;

4. 陕西省技术创新引导专项(基金)子课题,2020QFY10-04,元宝枫油和神经酸营养和药用价值研究及相关产品开发,2万元,2021/1-2024/12;

5. 宁波第二激素厂横向经费,20201214000014,动物激素产品在羊快速扩繁与高效繁殖标准化体系中的药效研究及柔性推广,12万,2020/1-2021/12;

6. 陕西省重点研发计划(一般项目),2019NY-091,复合生物制剂对奶山羊SARA的预防和治疗作用研究及其推广应用,8万,2019/01-2020/12;

7. 陕西省农业科技创新与攻关项目,2016NY-094,防治仔猪腹泻新型复合生物制剂的研发以及推广应用,10万,2016/01-2017/12;

8. 教育部留学回国人员启动经费,K308021501,miR-375在猪PSCs增殖及向胰岛素分泌细胞分化过程中的调控机理,3万,2015/1-2017/12;

9. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,Z109021506,miR-375对猪PSC增殖和分化的机理研究,10万,2015/1-2017/12;

10. 留学人员科技活动项目择优资助经费,Z109021506,LncRNA对猪PSCs增殖及分化的调控机理,2万,2015/1-2015/12;





1. Fen Sun#, Hui Cai#, Lunbo Tan, Dezhe Qin, Jian Zhang, Jinlian Hua, Xiujun Fan*,Sha Peng*. Placenta-specific miR-125b overexpression leads to increased rate of pregnancy loss in mice. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022, 23, 943.

2. Chen He#, Jing Sun#, Donghui Yang, Wenlai He, Jingyi Wang, Dezhe Qin, Huimin Zhang, Hui Cai, Yundie Liu, Na Li, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Nrf2 activation mediates the protection of mouse Sertoli Cells damage under acute heat stress conditions. Theriogenology. 2022, 177: 183-194.

3. Dezhe Qin#, Hui Cai, Chen He, Donghui Yang, Jing Sun, Wenlai He, Balun Li, Jinlian Hua, Sha Peng*. Melatonin relieves heat-induced spermatocyte apoptosis of mouse testis by inhibiting ATF6 and PERK signaling pathways. Zoological Research. 2021, 42(4): 514-524.

4. Hong Yang#, Dezhe Qin, Shuanshuan Xu, Chen He, Jing Sun, Jinlian Hua, Sha Peng*. Folic acid promotes proliferation and differentiation of porcine pancreatic stem cells into insulin-secreting cells through canonical Wnt and ERK signaling pathway. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2021, 205,105772.

5. Xiuwei Yu#, Tongtong Li#, Xiaomin Du#, Qiaoyan Shen, Mengfei Zhang, Yudong Wei, Donghui Yang, Wenjing Xu, Wenbo Chen, Chunling Bai, Xueling Li, Guangpeng Li, Na Li, Sha Peng*, Mingzhi Liao*, Jinlian Hua*. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals atlas of dairy goat testis cells. Zoological Research. 2021, 42(4): 401-405.

6. Wenlai He#, Dezhe Qin#, Balun Li, Huimin Zhang, Xuedi Cheng, Jing Sun, Jinlian Hua, Sha Peng*. Immortalized canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells alleviate gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress in mice and dogs. Research in Veterinary Science. 2021, 136: 39-50.

7. Hui Cai#,Dezhe Qin#, Sha Peng*. Responses and coping methods of different testicular cell types to heat stress: overview and perspectives. Bioscience Reports. 2021, 41(6): BSR20210443.

8. Shuanshuan Xu#, Dezhe Qin#, Hong Yang, Chen He, Wenqing Liu, Na Tian, Yudong Wei, Xin He, Jinlian Hua, Sha Peng*. SerpinB1 promotes the proliferation of porcine pancreatic stem cells through the STAT3 signaling pathway. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2020, 198:105537.

9. Zhaoyu Du#, Shuanshuan Xu#, Shuxian Hu, Hong Yang, Zhe Zhou, Kuldip Sidhu, Yiliang Miao, Zhonghua Liu, Wei Shen, Russel J. Reiter, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Melatonin attenuates detrimental effects of diabetes on the niche of mouse spermatogonial stem cells by maintaining Leydig cells. Cell Death & Disease. 2018, 9: 968.

10. Hong Yang#, Xi Yao#, Furong Tang, Yudong Wei, Jinlian Hua, Sha Peng*, Characterization of female germline stem cells from adult mouse ovaries and the role of rapamycin on them. Cytotechnology. 2018, 70(2): 843-854.

11. Bo Li#, Xin He#, Mengru Zhuang, Bowen Niu, Chongyang Wu, Hailong Mu, Furong Tang, Yanhua Cui, Weishuai Liu, Baoyu Zhao, Sha Peng*, Guangpeng Li*, Jinlian Hua*. Melatonin ameliorates busulfan-induced spermatogonial stem cell oxidative apoptosis in mouse testes. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 2018, 28(5): 385-400.

12. Yanhua Cui#, Lipeng Ren, Bo Li, Jia Fang, Yuanxin Zhai, Xin He, Enqi Du, Yiliang Miao, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Melatonin relieves busulfan-induced spermatogonial stem cell apoptosis of mouse testis by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017, 44(6): 2407-2421. 13. Shuanshuan Xu#, Fen Sun#, Lipeng Ren, Hong Yang, Na Tian, Sha Peng*. Resveratrol controlled the fate of porcine pancreatic stem cells through the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway mediated by Sirt1. PLOS One. 2017, 12(10): e0187159.

14. Lipeng Ren#, Hong Yang#, Yanhua Cui, Shuanshuan Xu, Fen Sun, Na Tian, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Autophagy is essential for differentiation of porcine PSCs into insulin producing cells, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2017, 488(3): 471-476.

15. Shuxian Hu#, Mingzhi Zhang, Fen Sun, Lipeng Ren, Xin He, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. miR-375 controls porcine pancreatic stem cell fate by targeting 3-phosphoinositide–dependent protein kinase-1 (Pdk1). Cell Proliferation. 2016, 49(3): 395-406.

16. Lipeng Ren#, Wei Han#, Hong Yang, Fen Sun, Shuanshuan Xu, Shuxian Hu, Mingzhi Zhang, Xin He, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Autophagy stimulated proliferation of porcine PSCs might be regulated by the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2016, 479(3): 537-543.

17. Wei Han#, Xin He, Mingzhi Zhang, Shuxian Hu, Fen Sun, Lipeng Ren, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. The establishment of porcine pancreatic stem cell line using T-RExTM system-inducible Wnt3a expression. Cell Proliferation. 2015, 48: 301-310.

18. Xin He#, Wei Han#, Shuxian Hu, Mingzhi Zhang, Lipeng Ren, Fen Sun, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Canonical Wnt signaling pathway contributes to the proliferation and survival in porcine Pancreatic Stem Cells (PSCs). Cell Tissue Research. 2015, 362(2): 379-388.

19. Xi Yao#, Hao Ren, Wenjing Yang, Thirumalai Diraviyam, Furong Tang, Meng Yu, Jinlian Hua, Xiaoying Zhang*, Sha Peng*. Expression of goat RNA binding protein (NANOS2), development and evaluation of anti-NANOS2 IgY antibodies.” Czech Journal of Animal Science. 2015, (4): 152-163.

20. Xi Yao#, Furong Tang, Meng Yu, Haijing Zhu, Zhili Chu, Mingzhao Li, Wei Liu*, Jinlian Hua*, Sha Peng*. Expression profile of Nanos2 gene in dairy goat and its inhibitory effect on Stra8 during meiosis. Cell Proliferation, 2014, 47, 396-405.

21. Sha Peng#*, Wei Han, Xi Yao, Jinlian Hua*. Construction and identification of mouse R-spondin 1 eukaryotic expression vector. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2013,11 (1): 227-230.

22. Huiru Zhang#, Dan Li, Hui Cao, Xiao LV, Yuankui Chu, Yaofu Bai, Yaping Jin, Sha Peng*, Zhongying Dou, Jinlian Hua*. Conophylline promotes the proliferation of immortalized mesenchymal stem cells derived from fetal porcine pancreas (iPMSCs). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2013, 12(4): 678-686.

23. Sha Peng#*, Junlin Zhang, Jiahuan Chen, Huayan Wang*. Effects of Wnt5a protein on proliferation and apoptosis in JAR choriocarcinoma cells. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2011, 4: 99-104.

24. Sha Peng#*, Jinlian Hua, Xuanhong Cao, Huayan Wang*. Gelatin Induces Trophectoderm Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.” Cell Biology International 2011, 35: 587-591.

25. Jiahuan Chen#, Zhijuan Lu, De Cheng, Sha Peng*, Huayan Wang*. Isolation and Characterization of Porcine Amniotic Fluid-Derived Multipotent Stem Cells. Plos One. 2011, 6: e19964.

26. Sha Peng#, Jing Li, Chenglin Miao, Liwei Jia, Zeng Hu, Ping Zhao, Juxue Li, Ying Zhang, Qi Chen, Enkui Duan*. Dickkopf-1 secreted by decidual cells promotes trophoblast cell invasion during murine placentation. Reproduction. 2008, 135: 367-375.

27. Sha Peng#, Chenglin Miao, Jing Li, Xiujun Fan, Yujing Cao, Enkui Duan*. Dickkopf-1 induced apoptosis in human placental choriocarcinoma is independent of canonical Wnt signaling. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2006, 350: 641-647.


